A downloadable Smelly Cat ZX Spectrum

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Rayo es un gato callejero, pulgoso y oloroso, que vive muy feliz en la calle, un dia es capturado por unos científicos y lo someten a pruebas de inteligencia, en las que debes de ayudar a rayo a pasar de pantalla recogiendo todas las espinas de pescado, hasta poder escapar del complejo de habitaciones.

La única arma que tiene nuestro personaje para defenderse, es su habilidad de saltar y moverse ágilmente y el poder de lanzar a voluntad una nube de peste maloliente, pero esta solo afecta a los enemigos con buen olfato, el resto tendrás que evitarlos en la medida de lo posible  y seguir una estrategia para resolver los problemas de cada pantalla.


Rayo is a stray cat, flea and smelly, who lives very happily on the street, one day he is captured by some scientists and they submit him to intelligence tests, in which you must help Rayo to pass the screen collecting all the fish bones, until you can escape from the room complex.

The only weapon our character has to defend himself is his ability to jump and move agilely and the power to launch a cloud of stinking plague at will, but this only affects enemies with a good sense of smell, the rest will have to be avoided as much as possible and follow a strategy to solve the problems of each screen.


Rayo é um gato vadio, pulguento e fedorento, que vive muito feliz na rua, um dia ele é capturado por alguns cientistas e eles o submetem a testes de inteligência, nos quais você deve ajudar Ray a passar pela tela recolhendo todos os espinhos dos peixes , até que você possa escapar do complexo de quartos.

A única arma que nosso personagem tem para se defender é sua capacidade de pular e se mover com agilidade e o poder de lançar uma nuvem de peste fedorenta à vontade, mas isso afeta apenas inimigos com bom olfato, o resto terá que ser evitado, pois tanto quanto possível e siga uma estratégia para resolver os problemas de cada tela.


Rayo è un gatto randagio, pulcioso e puzzolente, che vive molto felice per strada, un giorno viene catturato da alcuni scienziati e lo sottopongono a test di intelligenza, in cui devi aiutare Ray a passare lo schermo raccogliendo tutte le spine dei pesci , finché non riesci a scappare dal complesso di stanze.

L'unica arma che ha il nostro personaggio per difendersi è la sua capacità di saltare e muoversi agilmente e il potere di lanciare a piacimento una nuvola di peste puzzolente, ma questo colpisce solo i nemici con un buon olfatto, il resto dovrà essere evitato come il più possibile possibile e seguire una strategia per risolvere i problemi di ogni schermata.


Rayo est un chat errant, puce et malodorant, qui vit très heureux dans la rue, un jour il est capturé par des scientifiques et ils le soumettent à des tests d'intelligence, dans lesquels vous devez aider Ray à passer l'écran en collectant toutes les épines de poisson , jusqu'à ce que vous puissiez vous échapper du complexe de pièces.

La seule arme dont dispose notre personnage pour se défendre est sa capacité à sauter et à se déplacer avec agilité et le pouvoir de lancer à volonté un nuage de peste puante, mais cela n'affecte que les ennemis dotés d'un bon odorat, le reste devra être évité car autant que possible et suivez une stratégie pour résoudre les problèmes de chaque écran.


Rayo ist eine streunende Katze, floh und stinkend, die sehr glücklich auf der Straße lebt. Eines Tages wird er von einigen Wissenschaftlern gefangen genommen und sie unterziehen ihn Intelligenztests, bei denen Sie Ray helfen müssen, den Bildschirm zu passieren und alle Dornen von Fischen zu sammeln , bis Sie aus dem Raumkomplex entkommen können.

Die einzige Waffe, die unser Charakter hat, um sich zu verteidigen, ist seine Fähigkeit zu springen und sich agil zu bewegen und die Kraft, nach Belieben eine Wolke stinkender Pest zu schleudern, aber dies betrifft nur Feinde mit einem guten Geruchssinn, der Rest muss als vermieden werden so viel wie möglich und folgen Sie einer Strategie, um die Probleme jedes Bildschirms zu lösen.


Райо - бездомный кот, блохастый и вонючий, который очень счастливо живёт на улице. Однажды его забирают некоторые учёные и подвергают его тестам на уровень интеллекта. Вы должны помочь Райо пройти экран, собрав все рыбьи кости, пока наконец не сможете сбежать из ряда комнат.

Единственное оружие, которое наш персонаж может использовать для собственной защиты, — это его способность прыгать и ловко двигать, а также способность запускать облако вонючей чумы, но это влияет только на врагов с хорошим обонянием. Остальных нужно избегать, поэтому как можно тщательнее продумайте стратегию для прохождения каждого экрана.

Updated 6 days ago
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(6 total ratings)
Tags8-bits, agd, Cats, Funny, mpagd, Pixel Art, Retro, ZX Spectrum, zx-spectrum-next


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Smelly Cat Español.tap 47 kB
Smelly Cat Español.dsk 190 kB
Smelly Cat English.tap 47 kB
Smelly Cat English.dsk 190 kB
Smelly Cat Português.tap 47 kB
Smelly Cat Portugués.dsk 190 kB
Smelly Cat Italiano.tap 47 kB
Smelly Cat Italiano.dsk 190 kB
Smelly Cat Français.tap 47 kB
Smelly Cat Français.dsk 190 kB
Smelly Cat Deutsch.tap 47 kB
Smelly Cat Deutsch.dsk 190 kB
Smelly Cat Русский.tap 47 kB
Smelly Cat Русский.dsk 190 kB
Smelly Cat Vidas Español.tap 47 kB
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Smelly Cat Lives English.tap 47 kB
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Smelly Cat Vidas Português.tap 47 kB
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Smelly Cat Vite Italiano.tap 47 kB
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Smelly Cat Vies Français.tap 47 kB
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Smelly Cat Leben Deutsch.tap 47 kB
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Smelly Cat жизни Русский.tap 47 kB
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Smelly cat

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Smelly cat infinite lives

Puedes conseguir la version de Smelly Cat con vidas infinitas por un donativo de 1€ o mas, gracias por tu apoyo.

You can get the version of Smelly Cat with infinite lives for a donation of  €1 or more, thank you very much for your support.

Você pode obter a versão do Smelly Cat com vidas infinitas por uma doação de  1€ ou mais, muito obrigado pelo seu apoio.

Puoi ottenere la versione di Smelly Cat con vite infinite per una donazione di  1€  o più, grazie mille per il tuo supporto.

Vous pouvez obtenir la version de Smelly Cat avec des vies infinies pour un don de 1€  ou plus, merci beaucoup pour votre soutien.

Sie können die Version von Smelly Cat mit unendlichen Leben für eine Spende von 1€ oder mehr bekommen, vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung.

Вы можете получить версию Smelly Cat с бесконечными жизнями за пожертвование в размере 1 евро или более, большое спасибо за вашу поддержку.


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I played Smelly cat and managed to clear to the last stage!

When the game was over after more than 10 stages, I seriously screamed in despair, but on the next run I was able to make it to the end with tremendous concentration and a strong mentality of never having a game over, based on my previous experience.

This game is a truly commendable work of art that combines the unique beauty of the ZX Spectrum with a level of difficulty that challenges the player by pushing performance to the limit.

In short, I had a lot of fun playing it. Thanks for a fun game! meow<3


Hello, thank you very much for the comments, I am glad that you like the game, my intention was to make a fun and entertaining game, if I have succeeded, then much better, the difficulty of the game increases as you advance through the levels, and with a little patience and skill, you can reach the end without problems, I also take this opportunity to comment, that I have another game about to come out and a third one in development, I hope you like it as much or more than this one, thank you very much.

Smelly Cat was very, very fun. My real yelp when it was annihilated is proof of that.

I am looking forward to your next one very much!

Awesome game ! Congrats again.

Thanks you, enjoy the game.

(2 edits)

The English versión and other languages is out 

Here is my gameplay. Lovely game, meow!

Thank you very much for the review.

Thank you for this - here is my tribute to this...

Thank you very much for the video, the English version will be available shortly, greetings.

Hey brilliant news - thank you - look forward to playing Smelling in the King's English ! :)

Thank you again. :)

The English version is released.

Oh lovely - thank you very much for this. :)

Enjoy it.

Nice game!

Many thanks

A probarlo!

Venga!, ya nos contaras que tal.

Bajando y gracias por el juego

A ti, por jugarlo.

Muy buen juego. Escenarios detallados, jugabilidad perfecta (teclado redefinible), movimiento fluido y música amena. ¿Qué más se puede pedir? ¿Quieres vidas infinitas?...aún estás a tiempo ;-)

Diversión asegurada y, nuestro protagonista, el gatete me parece entrañable; da para una segunda parte...y más.


Muchas gracias, yo con que os guste y sea entretenido y divertido, ya me doy por satisfecho, si gusta y la gente lo pide, haré más partes, por supuesto.

Se nota que se le ha puesto mucho mimo al juego, enhorabuena !!

Pues la verdad es que si, he intentado cuidar los detalles, no sé cómo lo verán los usuarios, pero bueno, ya está hecho.

El juego es muy bueno. Con ganas de jugar la versión completa. ¡Gracias!


Gracias a ti por jugarlo, la version definitiva dentro de muy poco.

Awesome Floppy ! This game is getting a good evolution. As an idea maybe smelly cat can get some limiet bones to distract dogs to pass and get easier the fishes. It´s just an idea. Anyway, this game is pretty fun. A video to honor all your effort at the moment. Thanks !

Thanks for the video, the cat can use the smell, to paralyze the dogs for a few seconds and thus be able to avoid them easily.

Fantastic effort for a first Speccy game!  Really enjoyed it, great level design & lots of fun to play.  Nice one. 👍


Thank you very much, I'm glad you like it, the demo has 10 levels, but the full game has more than 30, and it will be available very soon

felicidades por el juego

Gracias, espero que guste.

Cada vez pinta mejor el juego, enhorabuena!

(1 edit)

Gracias, espero tenerlo acabado antes de fin de año.

Nice game! More information about our German-language review can be found here (switch on automatic subtitles, if necessary). Subscription to our YouTube or Twitch channel is welcome!

Thanks for the video.

switch on automatic subtitles:     es funktioniert nicht

(2 edits)

There are many similar collect 'em all platformers like this on Speccy, but I like the idea. Maybe adding something to the gameplay to make it more interesting like temporary invincibility etc would be a nice idea.

EDIT: I didn't know that full version was released. It's really cool. I love the pixel art,animated flies and the music. Responsive controls, so much better than Jet Set Willy. And the title picture is beautiful.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the comment, enjoy the game.

Nice game!

Thanks, enjoy it

Deleted 310 days ago

Dentro de poco tendremos ya la version final

A promising game. Congrats !

Thanks, enjoy it.